Hipster Kits

Hipster Kits

Paris based graphic designer and filmmaker Alizée Lafon brings you “Hipster Kits”, a series inspired by some of the most beloved movies and TV series of our generation. From the comedy “Little Miss Sunshine” to the fantasy series “Game of Thrones”, Alizée energizes her fan base through the intricate details and bold colors found in her works. Her creative process begins in Illustrator, where she draws out each of the objects with maximum details so they look as real as possible. The typography is then added, and a final retouch of filters, textures and colors is done in Photoshop. Alizée says the series is above all a tribute to the 7th art, the cinema, her first passion. Given the highly encouraging responses to all of her Kits, it goes without saying that her collection will continue to grow. Alizée says any future works will be inspired from suggestions given to her as well as from certain feature films that she holds dear.